Pepper and water science trick

1-Why is this experience or invention useful? What is its usefulness?
This experience is useful because it shows us how to repel pepper as for the oil spill where oil must be repelled.
2-What are the materials or products used?
The materials or products used are:
a plate/pepper/water/washing-up.
3- What do you have to do to achieve the experience?
Can you describe precisely the different steps to achieve the experience or the invention?
Take a plate, pouring water, put black pepper. Then take washing-up liquid and place a small drop on the finger and place it in the middle of the plate and the result obtained is that the pepper has spread to the outside of the plate.
4- What are the various difficulties met to achieve the experiment?
The different difficulties met to achieve the experiment are not to put too much pepper if not it’s not working well. There are no real difficulties encountered in carrying out the experiment except for the dosage of washing-up liquid that must be respected.
5- In which fields can we use this experiment? (Industry, medical field, sports field, environment, everyday life…).
This experience has a link with the environment, the principle can be copied to combat oil spills.
6- Explain the reasons why you chose this experiment and why it appealed to you?
We chose this experience because wanted to evoke oil spills. For example: L’Amoco Cadiz and l’Erika which are tankers that have failed on the Brittany coasts and resulted in the death of several tons of marine animals.

We liked it because it made us think a lot of work to clean up oil spill in the event of an oil tanker sinking.


  1. This experiment is funny but she is not interesting, i don't give my point

  2. Théo, Charly and Tom8 juin 2017 à 02:42

    1 point because this video it very original because this experience is useful because it shows us how to repel pepper as for the oil spill where oil must be repelled.

  3. This experiment was interesting but she has not very importance for me so I don't guve my point.

  4. 1 point because is verry funy

  5. Juliette & Léonie8 juin 2017 à 03:00

    It's so simple and not very useful ! No point.

  6. This experience is funny so is not usefull so we dont give a point

  7. this video is funny but is not useful
    0 point

  8. clément et hugo8 juin 2017 à 03:32

    we were enjoy about this video because the reaction was very fast and we were suprised

  9. This experience is wonderful, and I m very impress of the effet of the soap on the pepper
    1 point

  10. Alexandre Maurann10 juin 2017 à 08:25

    This experience is funny but she has not importance.


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